
Do and don’ts after Botox?

The magical effect of Botox has been known worldwide for more than 20 years. This neurotoxin of the bacterium Clostridium botulinum is capable not only of curing diseases of the nervous system, but also of restoring a person’s youth, beauty, and self-confidence. Despite the miraculous effect on the skin, Botox, like any other medical drug, has a number of limitations and contraindications. In this article we will talk about Do and don’ts after Botox?

What can’t I do after the procedure?

After Botox injections, there are several restrictions that are very important for the patient to carefully observe. The outcome of the entire intervention depends on how well you take care of the skin after the injections.  

  • Facial massage. You should not massage the treated skin area for at least 24 hours after Botox injections. Massage improves local blood flow, and the effect after Botox may be less pronounced. Also, try to avoid touching the injection sites for twenty-four hours, and under no circumstances rub them with sponges or scrubs.
  • Cosmetics. It is not recommended to wear make-up on the day of the procedure, as cosmetics and touching the injection site with dirty hands can lead to infection of the areas where the procedure was performed.
  • Physical activity. An important contraindication after Botox is physical activity. Within a few days after the procedure, you should refrain from sports and heavy work, because blood rushing to the skin of the face can cause bruising.
  • Alcohol in large quantities. Within a week after Botox injections, you must not abuse alcohol. Limit yourself to a glass of wine or a mug of beer.
  • Blood thinning drugs may also cause swelling and discomfort after the procedure.
  • Overheating of the skin. Within 7-10 days after Botox injections you should not go to sauna, bath, sunbathe or visit a solarium.
  • Antibiotics and analgesics also affect blood clotting. Avoid such drugs for at least one day.

What can I do after the procedure?

With the exception of what we have already listed, you can lead a normal life after Botox injections.

  • Taking vitamins. It is quite acceptable to take any vitamin and mineral complexes and supplements, including supplements with B vitamins. They do not affect the injected drug.
  • Smoking. The introduction of Botox is not affected by this bad habit, there are no restrictions on smoking, but it is better to give up nicotine due to the fact that it negatively affects blood vessels, lungs and the body as a whole.
  • Ordinary household tasks. Walking, ordinary household chores after Botox injections are not prohibited. The main thing is to avoid prolonged forward bending and heavy sweating during activities.
  • Travel by plane, train or car. All these activities are not prohibited, but immediately after the procedure, a long flight and sitting in an uncomfortable position for several hours may provoke a desire to lie down or rub your face, eyes.

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